在菜市看见很特别的蒜苗, 第一时间想到拿来弄黄金炒饭一定很棒!!
加入腊肠, 葱花, 和少少猪油, 味道果然出乎我所意料,
这炒饭太有层次感, 每一口都留香!! 我的年菜桌也随之增加了一道~~
腊肠 两条 [切丁]
冷饭 1 大碗
鸡蛋 2 颗 [分开蛋白和蛋黄]
青蒜苗 2 根 [切丁]
蒜酥油 1 大匙
猪油 1 大匙
葱花 2 大匙
盐 1/3 茶匙, 味精 1/4茶匙, 胡椒粉 1/2茶匙, 麻油 1/2茶匙
1. 冷饭事先加入蛋黄和调味料, 捞拌均匀备用
2. 1 大匙猪油, 把蛋白炒成丝, 下青蒜丁和腊肠丁, 小炒片刻
3. 下饭, 快手炒散, 下蒜酥油, 继续翻炒片刻, 撒上葱花拌匀即可
**为了呈现更好卖相, 不妨把黄金炒饭先装入碗, 再倒扣在盘上**
2 Chinese Sausage [cubed]
1 Big bowl of Overnight Rice
2 Eggs [separate the egg white & yolk]
2 stalks Baby Garlic [diced]
1 tbsp fried garlic oil
1 tbsp lard
2 stalks scallion [diced]
1/3 tsp of salt [OR to taste]
1/3 tsp of MSG
1 tsp of white pepper
1/2 tsp of sesame oil
1. Add in the egg yolk and all the seasoning into the rice, mix well, set aside.
2. Heat up the lard, add in egg white, quick stir fry until it turns filamentous
3. Add in baby garlic and cubed Chinese sausage, quick saute
4. Add in rice, quick stir fry again, mix all the ingredients well
5. Add in fried garlic oil and diced scallion, stir well and it's done, serve HOT!
**For a better appearance, do 1stly put in the fried rice into a bowl and flip it over a big pan, garnishing with fried garlic**
这就是长得很好看的青蒜苗, 生吃会有大蒜的生辣, 但一旦下锅, 香味就会开始扑鼻!
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